In today’s international situation, there are host of challenges concerning security of nations and people, reducing disparities, poverty reduction and so on. To face these challenges, we, AEC has a high level of technology and a rich knowledge and aims at a consultant which can carry out a comprehensive management and provides its service through Official Development Assistance (ODA) that is carried out by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
To contribute to the development of emerging and developing countries, we play active parts in the frontier of technical cooperation in human resources development by focusing on three main fields; Civil and building infrastructure, Energy and power, and Economic and social development.
Traffic and transportation
Road infrastructure development
Bridge infrastructure development
Power infrastructure development
Environmental &
social consideration -
Energy policy formulation
Expansion of energy access
Electric power development
Electric power transformation
Energy conservation
Power sector analysis
Private sector development
Trade & Investment promotion
Fostering SMEs
& supporting industries
Industrial platform development
Financial policy and system
Social development, promotion
of gender empowerment
Social & economic analysis